Wednesday 7 June 2017


From the VHS Years: A RETURN OF THE SAINT ITC tape.

The series has never really emerged from the shadow of the Roger Moore version from the previous decade and - as such - is one of the most underrated shows in the ITC canon and - indeed - one of the better action shows of the decade.

Ian Ogilvy is a likeable star (be sure to catch his recent movie 'We still kill the old way', it's great fun.  The sequel is not quite so good and suffers from a rather obviously small budget) who can certainly hold his own.  The luxurious budget certainly helps things as well.  There's plenty of location filming (including a lot of European locations... especially Italy as they were backers) which is a marked contrast from the interiors-backlot-stock combos that defined the ITC shows of the 1960s (best ever no-budget moment: the DEPARTMENT S team running on the shot whilst some ropey back projection of a running track plays behind them).  Even the London lensed episodes are a delight for location spotting.  And there are guest stars galore.

I once had a cheap and cheerful Alcatel phone which - pre proper ringtones - allowed you to somehow download (or programme?) a simple ringtone.  Amongst the slim pickings: a beep-beep-beep version of the RotS theme.  Loved that phone.


  1. Out today - another spider-man volume in the EPIC line with some lovely supplementary material on the peter - mary jane marriage including an alternate version in the newspaper strips.

    also out is a nice pocket sized digest of spidey tales plus the Hasbro heroes sourcebook.

    EMPIRE is supposed to have a special edition out on classic movie scenes but I've yet to find a copy.

  2. Missed the HASBRO HEROES but will try and track down a copy.

    There's no sign of the ONE-EYED JACK book in London yet. The official publication date is next week.

    The EMPIRE 101 MOVIE SCENES bookazine hit stores last Friday. I picked up a copy but haven't looked at it yet.

    The new VANITY FAIR has some exclusive STAR WARS photography. I picked up the Leia cover (four to buy) but haven't looked at the magazine itself yet. Some of the pics have been released online prior to publication.

    The new issue of the STAR TREK MAGAZINE is out as well.

    I think the SPIDER-MAN DIGEST is printed for people with better eyesight than I. But it is an interesting hook-up between Marvel and Archie.

  3. the HASBRO HEROES comic has a lovely wrap-around cover and a poster inside.
