For the last few years STARLOGGED has been trying to untangle the history of the British Bullpen and now, at last, here is a done-in-one, almost complete guide to ever regular title they published. Omitted are the annuals and many of the specials (it gets very hard, after the mid-eighties, to pull together an acute guide) but, nevertheless, this still represents probably the most comprehensive guides currently published in print or online.
Corrections and updates gratefully received.
OF MARVEL was the first official British Marvel comic. Launched in October 1972, the weekly
initially reprinted Hulk, Spider-man and the Fantastic Four. The long-running Hulk was trumpeted as
“Marvel’s TV sensation” from August 1978.
The mergers were: The Avengers and Conan (199, 21 July 1976); Planet of
the Apes (231, 2 March 1977); Dracula Lives (247, 22 June 1977); Fury (258, 1
September 1977) and The Complete Fantastic Four (298, 14 June 1978).
Although the bulk of the production work was handled by the New York office, the (small) British Bullpen was officially housed in London's High Holborn.
Although the bulk of the production work was handled by the New York office, the (small) British Bullpen was officially housed in London's High Holborn.
Spider-man moved out of MWOM and into his own weekly (SPIDER-MAN COMICS WEEKLY for the first 157 issues) early in the following year. Thor was the first (of many) back-up strip, joined by Iron Man from 50 onwards. It ultimately ran for 666 issues through to the middle of the following decade.

Marvel New York launched the ongoing MARVEL TREASURY EDITION publishing programme in 1974 and copies of the tabloid-sized specials were imported, beginning with The Spectacular Spider-man (and followed by the Hulk, Conan, Doctor Strange, Howard the Duck, Seasonal specials and others), with the US price switched for the British equivilant (initially 40p for 100 colour pages) and heavily plugged in the UK weeklies.

PLANET OF THE APES weekly, launched in October 1974, coincided with the UK TX of the live-action TV show. The strips and features came from the US magazine. Mismatched back-up strips included Ka-zar, Conan, Black Panther and – post-merger – Dracula and Man-Thing. The infamous Ape Slayer (reworked Killraven pages) was the unique solution to a deadline crunch. POTA ran for 123 and then continued, for a few months, in MWOM.

DRACULA LIVES, reprinting Tomb of Dracula and other Seventies scare-fare, also launched in October 1974. The cult favorite notched-up 87 issues before (improbably) merging with POTA (although Man-Thing was the post-merger strip to survive). Dracula returned, following the end of POTA, in the pages of MWOM.
weekly, launched in March 1975, reprinted the Silver Surfer and the X-Men. Latter line-up changes included Doc Savage
(pegged to the movie release), Giant Man, The Cat, the Scarecrow, Marvel
Two-in-One and Bloodstone. Its demise,
after fifty issues, triggered Spider-man’s switch to the Titans format to
accommodate the merger.

THE TITANS (October 1975) was a bold, but ultimately unsuccessful, experiment by Marvel UK that lasted for fifty-eight issues (and continued in Spider-man’s weekly). The innovation was to publish landscape for mat that allowed two US pages to be placed side-by-side, doubling the usual contents of a weekly. The format also demanded new covers, splash pages and posters. The strips included Inhumans, Captain America, Nick Fury, Sub-Mariner, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider and the Avengers. The fundamental flaw was that the format devoured Marvel’s inventory at an unprecedented, and unsustainable, rate.
October 1975 also saw London play host to two significant Marvel UK events: The I.C.A (Institute Contemporary Arts) on the Mall mounted an exhibition of original art between the 18th and the 31st. Monday 20 October saw Stan Lee in town to host a night at Camden's Roundhouse. Tickets: 60p each.
The Spider-man
weekly became SUPER SPIDER-MAN WITH THE SUPER-HEROES from issue 158 (21
February 1976), adopting the Titans landscape format to accommodate the
additional strip pages. The masthead
continued through to issue 198.
US copies of the historic SPIDER-MAN/ SUPERMAN crossover were imported from the States (August 1976) and promoted in the weeklies.
US copies of the historic SPIDER-MAN/ SUPERMAN crossover were imported from the States (August 1976) and promoted in the weeklies.
CAPTAIN BRITAIN (launched in October 1976) cemented Marvel’s commitment to the UK: not only creating a brand-new (albeit derivative) character but also (initially) publishing it in colour. Stan Lee toured the UK as part of the launch campaign. High costs, low sales and no immediate US home for the new material forced Marvel to drop the colour after twenty-three weeks. Cancellation came after thirty-nine issues although the new strips continued, for a while, in Spider-man. Fantastic Four and S.H.I.E.L.D were the back-up strips. CB was merchandised with a pin badge, puzzles and an annual.

The end of The Titans led to another name change for Spider-man. Between issues 199 (1 December 1976) and 230 (the following July) it appeared as SUPER SPIDER-MAN AND THE TITANS. The landscape format was dropped after issue 228.
FURY, launched in March 1977, was Marvel UK’s blatant me-too war weekly. Edited by Neil Tennant, it shamelessly aped the Warlord/ Battle formula but the all-reprint interiors were no match for its rivals. It merged with MWOM after twenty-five issues.

FANTASTIC FOUR, launched in September 1977, finally saw Marvel’s first family
graduate to their own UK weekly. The
cover-to-cover reprints were unsustainable and the title ended after
thirty-seven issues, returning the strip to MWOM.
RAMPAGE weekly,
launched in October 1977, was home to the Defenders (including the Hulk) and
Nova. It ran for only thirty-four weeks
but immediately bounced back, with greater success, as a monthly.

issue 254 (21 December 1977) was the first issue for several years not to share
the masthead with a recently cancelled companion. The stability continued for fifty-seven
issues until the Marvel Revolution of early 1979. By this point, the price had risen from 5p
(1974) to 10p (1979) a copy.

NIGHTMARE was the fourth of the Portman/ Marvel horror magazines. Like the others, it drew heavily on Monsters

RAMPAGE MONTHLY, launched in July 1978, was initially a vehicle for the Hulk strips from the US Rampaging Hulk magazine and capitalized on the success of the TV show. The supporting features (both from the weekly) were Nova and the Defenders. The Marvel Revolution of ’79 changed the line-up, making the New X-Men the main attraction (appearing alongside Marvel Two-in-One, Doctor Strange and others). It ran for fifty-four issues and folded into Marvel Superheroes.
The MARVEL REVOLUTION of January 1979 saw New York relax control of British Marvel in favor of a new London-based Bullpen, headed by Dez Skinn (initially hired by Stan and his senior team to examine options for the UK operation in light of stubbornly slow sales and an offer by IPC to acquire the whole business just to secure the lucrative Star Wars license). The overhaul saw the existing weeklies (with the exception of Star Wars Weekly which emerged largely unscathed) retooled, the monthlies reworked and an ambitious expansion plan.
The changes to the weeklies saw the introduction of the 'Skinn I' format. The glossy covers (seen as a costly hindrance) were jettisoned in favour of the same paper quality as the interiors (which must have made life easier at the printers). The page counts were also shaved... but (predictably) the cover price was not. Marvel was able to do more with less by reworking the US pages to cram more panels on every page, condensing a number of American pages onto one British one.
The revolution saw the now-expanded British Bullpen return to London, Jadwin House on Kentish Town Road, after their exile in Kent.

The revolution generated unprecedented attention in the British fan press including cover features in BEM and COMIC MEDIA NEWS. Dez, the Hulk and M-UK (along with Paddington Bear, the Mister Men and Disney's upcoming film The Black Hole) featured in the primetime BBC one documentary THE PERSUADERS: ROLLING WITH THE BANDWAGON, looking at selling to children. Dez credited his appearance with impressing the mandarins at BBC Enterprises when he pitched for the Doctor Who license days later.
The Spider-man
weekly exited from the Marvel Revolution as the retooled SPIDER-MAN COMIC
(from 311) in January 1979. The new look
crammed-in Spidey, Nova, Fantastic Four, The Avengers and the Sub-Mariner. The title was changed again, a few months later,
after issue 333. The first of many
seasonal one-shots appeared in the summer of 1979.
The changes to the weeklies saw the introduction of the 'Skinn I' format. The glossy covers (seen as a costly hindrance) were jettisoned in favour of the same paper quality as the interiors (which must have made life easier at the printers). The page counts were also shaved... but (predictably) the cover price was not. Marvel was able to do more with less by reworking the US pages to cram more panels on every page, condensing a number of American pages onto one British one.
The revolution saw the now-expanded British Bullpen return to London, Jadwin House on Kentish Town Road, after their exile in Kent.

MARVEL COMIC was the new name for the radically reworked (as an adventure anthology) MWOM, launched in January 1979 (issues 330-352). Publication was suspended the following month due to a distribution strike. The new look (without the Hulk) failed to spark and it ended in the summer. The revised line-up included Godzilla, Daredevil, Dracula and Masters of Kung Fu.

The first issue of HULK COMIC came with a free card (not sticker) album with a starter set of cards. Based on the format of the Universal TV show (the pilot was adapted with stills, the rest of the album featured new adventures illustrated by uncredited European artists), further packs of cards were sold through newsagents. How long they (and presumably more copies of the album) remained on sale is now lost in the mists of time. Marvel didn't make any further efforts to promote either in their titles.
The British Bullpen published their first four SUMMER SPECIALS, including the one-shot magazine TV HEROES, in the summer of '79.

Spider-man emerged, after the merger with the title that originally spawned it (adding Daredevil and Godzilla), as SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN AND MARVEL COMIC from 334 (1 August 1979). The cancellation casualty was quietly dropped after 337.

WEEKLY, launched in October 1979 and based on the TV series, was also heavily
reliant on new material (eventually reprinted numerous times). Sluggish sales led to a rethink, aiming at a
younger audience, early in 1980. When
that proved a misfire, more radical action was required.

AND GAMES, another new Marvel UK monthly spawned by a one-shot the previous
year, also launched in March 1980.
The (surprisingly swift) end of the Hulk’s own weekly led to another Spidey-centric merger in May 1980. The first combined issue of SPIDER-MAN AND HULK WEEKLY was 376 (22 May 1980), co-starring Spider Woman and She Hulk. The new masthead continued through to 417 (March 1981) and another merger.

FORCES IN COMBAT, launched by Marvel UK in May 1980, was another crack at getting the adventure anthology formula right. This time the reprints included the UK debut of Rom the Space Knight, Machine Man, Masters of Kung Fu, Sargent Fury, Kull and the Rawhide Kid. It ran for thirty-seven issues before quietly folding into Future Tense’s thirteenth issue. Overstocks of the Rom action figure were shipped across the Atlantic and sold as part of Palitoy's Action Man line in the UK.
FiC and the new weeklies that followed used the 'Skin II' format, a legacy left by Dez. The time-consuming hassle of trying to cram more panels onto every page was largely abandoned (although the art was still tweaked as required) but the cheap-as-chips print and paper was retained (until late 1981). FiC did experiment with a couple of interior colour spreads... but they didn't last long.

Marvel's raft of SUMMER SPECIALS for 1980 included CAPTAIN BRITAIN, the first (of three) WESTERN GUNFIGHTERS (a title errenously announced as a new monthly the following year) and the first (of many) DOCTOR WHO SPECIALS (with the first of numerous reprints of The Iron Legion). YOUNG ROMANCE raided Marvel's romance files whilst WARRIOR WOMEN was surprisingly adult in tone, including a flash of boob.

FANTASTIC FOUR marked the return of Marvel’s first family to a solo British
book. It ran for twenty-eight monthly
POCKET BOOK, one of the least collected Marvel UK titles of the Star Age, plundered
the Bullpen’s extensive archives to try and attract a new readership.
BOOK saw horror return to the Marvel UK line-up. The reprints included Tomb of Dracula,
Man-Thing and other Seventies scare-fare.
It ran for twenty-eight issues.

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK WEEKLY was the new name, coinciding with the sequel, for Star Wars Weekly from 118 (29 April 1980).

STRIKES BACK MONTHLY was a reboot forced on the British Bullpen by a lack of
sufficient new US material to sustain the existing weekly schedule. Issue 140 (November 1980) was the first.

VALOUR, launched
the same week, was FT’s polar opposite.
The weekly collection of fantasy fare (Conan, Devil Dinosaur, Doctor
Strange, Thor and – latterly – Weirdworld) proved the less successful and the
two merged after Valour’s eighteenth week.
The weekend of 19/19 October 1980 saw Marvel host the one-and-only COMICS, FILM AND FANTASY CONVENTION at London's Royal Horticultural Hall. Reports on the weekend's events subsequently appeared in various M-UK titles.

The weekend of 19/19 October 1980 saw Marvel host the one-and-only COMICS, FILM AND FANTASY CONVENTION at London's Royal Horticultural Hall. Reports on the weekend's events subsequently appeared in various M-UK titles.

The US title MARVEL PREMIERE ran four issues (57-60) of Doctor Who reprints, now in colour, from the British weekly beginning with the December 1980 cover-dated issue. The Iron Legion version printed here formed the basis of the 1985 Summer Special. City of the Damned was retitled, to avoid controversy, as City of the Cursed.
BOOK was a total (after a brief transition) makeover for Star Heroes PB. The X-men reprints started in issue ten and
the makeover was complete two issues later.
The numbering runs 12 (first issue) through to twenty-eight.

The end of MTU
shifted the main strip into the Spider-man/ Hulk combo leading to the new name
SPIDER-MAN AND HULK WEEKLY INCORPORATING TEAM-UP from 418 (11 March 1981). That was simplified (somewhat misleadingly)

a second humor monthly from the British Bullpen, was briefly the companion to
Frantic before absorbing it after four overlapping months. MMH itself managed seventeen issues before
folding in June 1982.

MONTHLY had a short run from October 1991.
Based on the Southern TV series (previously adapted in Look-In), it
seemed uncertain of its target audience and was cancelled within the year (and
replaced by a new weekly version). Issue
one came with a free flexi-disc, a first for Marvel UK.
POCKET BOOK, the last of the line to launch (in October 1981) reprinted
Marvel’s literary adaptations beginning with War of the Worlds. It ran for thirteen issues.
The February 1982 cover-dated STAR-LORD THE SPECIAL EDITION US one-shot featured a reprint of the British DOCTOR WHO strip Spider God.
The February 1982 cover-dated STAR-LORD THE SPECIAL EDITION US one-shot featured a reprint of the British DOCTOR WHO strip Spider God.
HIS TV FRIENDS, launched in February 1982, pointed to a new direction for the
British Bullpen: titles pitched at younger audiences (with a mixture of comic
strips, text stories and activity pages) based on licensed characters. It ran for sixty-seven issues before being
cancelled to make way for the similar Top Cat weekly.

MONSTER MONTHLY (April 1982) was Marvel's short-lived attempt to replicate the success of the US magazines devoted to old horror movies. However, this was the peak of the slasher boom and the explosion of VHS horror, leaving the magazine and its contents looking curiously old-fashioned. The strip material, which took a back seat to the (poorly reproduced) photos and features, hailed from the seventies US magazines.
There is no issue 428 of SPIDER-MAN. A Bullpen blunder saw the numbering jump from 427 (13 May 1981) to 429 the following week (20 May 1981). Marvel simply issued another 429 (27 May 1981) the week after.
MONTHLY was, from issue 159, (July 1982) the latest incarnation of Marvel UK’s
long-running title.
The 1982 roster of SUMMER SPECIALS included the only Rom solo outing in the UK.
The 1982 roster of SUMMER SPECIALS included the only Rom solo outing in the UK.
The demise, and
merger, of the second run of Hulk weeklies led (somewhat inevitably) to another
name-change for Spidey’s long-running weekly.
However, confounding expectations, it became simply SPIDER-MAN from
issue 500 (6 October 1982). The
anniversary was celebrated with a free pin badge. Although the Hulk became the regular
supporting feature, and the logo often appeared on the cover, it never
officially became part of the weekly’s title.
A trend that continued with the subsequent merger, Fantastic Four, in
issue 529. Spider-woman returned as the
regular back-up strip (and made frequent cover appearances) from issue 517 to
capitalize on the broadcast of the animated series on ITV. Partial colour interiors were adopted from
issue 544 (August), raising the cover price from 20p to 25p a week. The glossy centre pages were dropped as part
of the format change (and were never part of the existing colour
FOUR returned to their own weekly in October 1982. The revival lasted twenty-nine issues before
merging with Spider-man to make way for the impending colour weeklies.
based on the Daily Express newspaper strip character, ran for 100 issues
between October 1982 and September 1984.
The WINTER 1982 SPECIALS included Spider-man, the Silver Surfer and the second (and final) STAR TREK SPECIAL (a not-quite-official Wrath of Kahn tie-in) which actually appeared AFTER Marvel had surrendered the license, allowing DC to relaunch the franchise in the States.

THE DAREDEVILS, the new home for Captain Britain (along with US Daredevil and Spider-man reprints) was the landmark new monthly from Marvel UK launched at the start of 1983. Despite boasting Alan Moore as a principal contributor, it merged with the MWOM revival after only eleven issues.

OF MARVEL revival (now, initially, an outlet for the new X-Men and reprints of
US limited series like Vision/ Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Cloak and Dagger and
X-Men/ Micronauts) from June 1983 was the first M-UK monthly to boast colour
interiors. The Daredevils merged with
the seventh issue. The seventeenth issue
was (literally) a limp conclusion, paving the way for a merger with (of all things)
Conan. Although the ongoing X-Men strip was dropped, the selection of reprinted limited series was obviously influenced by a desire to retain X-related strips. The Micronauts, absent from the UK line since the demise of Future Tense, made their final British appearance here.
Despite being a best-seller since 1978, Marvel UK waited until the summer of 1983 (curiously missing the chance to cash-in on the impending release of the third movie) to release their first STAR WARS special. It reprinted the bulk of the British strips, including some by Alan Moore, created for the monthly.

Other 1983 SUMMER SPECIALS included THE MIGHTY WORLD OF MARVEL, DOCTOR WHO, SPIDER-MAN, SPIDER-MAN FUN BOOK and the humorous CHANNEL 33 1/3. Creators Quinn and Howett toured the regional TV and radio studios of the UK (including About Anglia) to promote the one-shot.
WEEKLY, launched in March 1983, replaced the monthly incarnation. For this run, Marvel obviously dispensed with
the TV tie-in element and based the comic directly on the original books.

X-MEN (published between August 1983 and early the following year) proved that
two failures didn’t make a success. By
the time the two titles merged, the amount of colour had already been
drastically reduced. The run (issues
20-39) continued in the back pages of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
(crammed in with the ongoing Fantastic Four reprints).
TOP CAT’S TV SHOW (21 September 1983) replaced the Scooby Doo weekly as the Marvel UK vehicle for
numerous Hanna Barbara characters. Issue 1 came with a free cover-mounted pin badge.

The 1983 WINTER SPECIALS were the first to experiment with an album format and colour interiors. With the exception of the DOCTOR WHO edition which retained its traditional magazine format. The SPIDER-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS special capitalized on the TV show but, true to form, didn't include any direct links with the animated series.
1983 saw the British Bullpen appear in a filmed segment of TV-am Saturday morning kids' show DATA RUN. A Bullpen Bulletins page covered the filming in December.
The beginning of 1984 saw Marvel UK officially relocate to Bayswater and 23 Reden Place. The new address had already been used, for several months, for Mail Order offers.
1983 saw the British Bullpen appear in a filmed segment of TV-am Saturday morning kids' show DATA RUN. A Bullpen Bulletins page covered the filming in December.

THE THING IS BIG BEN, apparently a spoiler for Dez Skinn’s similarly named Warrior strip, was M-UK’s March 1984 launch. The short-lived (eighteen issues) weekly reprinted Marvel Two-in-One, Iron Man and (after Captain America was swiftly dropped) Power Man and Iron Fist. The principle strip carried over to Spider-man.
After several years absence, the Marvel name reappeared (albeit subtly) as part of the cover designs of the UK line.
reverted back to its simplified title from issue 579 (11 April 1984), welcoming
back the Hulk to capitalize on the transmission of the Marvel-produced animated
series on ITV. 590 (27 June 1984) saw a
format change, switching to glossy paper and adding the movie adaptation of
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The
Thing is Big Ben merged with 595 and although the logo appeared on the cover
for four weeks, it never became part of the masthead. The format changed again, adding pages but
jettisoning the colour pages, with issue 602.
Issues 607-610 featured a landmark UK created story that brought
Spider-man to London and Birmingham to appear on ITV’s Saturday Starship. The experiment was intended to test the
viability of UK strips to avoid having to adopt the impending black costume. 626 was another (unexpected) format change. Issue 631 (13 April 1985) belatedly introduced
the black costume (which made its debut in, of all places, The Transformers, at
the end of the previous year), only to see it dumped again after 633.

graduated (after runs in Star Wars and Spider-man) to his own M-UK monthly in
October 1984 to coincide with Temple of Doom (the adaptation had a second
outing, following Spider-man, in quick succession here). The solo title lasted only eleven issues
before folding into Spider-Man (the last, of many, titles to merge with the
first incarnation of the weekly).

After a hiatus of several years, and reflecting the growing popularity of both the TV show and the American Direct Sales market, reprints of the British DOCTOR WHO strips returned to the United States. The new 'Baxter format' monthly, featuring new cover art by Dave Gibbons, reprinted the remaining Tom Baker strips before moving onto the Peter Davison era. It ended, quietly, in 1986 after 23-issues.
CYRIL, long-standing editor of the various permutations of STAR WARS, finally received his own page-a-week strip.
CAPTAIN BRITAIN, after years punting around the UK monthlies (dodging cancellation every time) finally regained his own book in January 1985. Initial plans to pad-out each issue with US reprints (including Alpha Flight) were abandoned in favor of new and reprinted British strips including Night Raven, Abslom Daak and the Freefall Warriors. It ultimately ran to fourteen issues. An internal mock-up, before the all-British theme was locked-down, featured reprints of Alpha Flight.

In order to give
Secret Wars the best possible chance of success, Marvel sabotaged Spider-man by
pitching it at a younger audience. THE
SPIDER-MAN COMIC, from issue 634, dumped the main strip in favor of (painfully
dated) seventies Spidey Super Stories reprints.
The back-ups, from the Star Comics line, included Wally (renamed Willy)
the Wizard and Fraggle Rock. Lew
Stringer supplied Snail Man and Captain Wally.
The Indiana Jones monthly merged with issue 646, adding the Further
Adventures to the line-up.
from April 1985, was based on the animated-and-merchandise series about the
value of friendship imported from the States.
The cartoons aired on TV-am. It’s
notable for featuring a large percentage of originated material (the US edition
fared less well, requiring M-UK to plug the content gap) as well as being the
first weekly to appear in the soon-to-be-standard 24-page full-colour glossy

Although technically a series of one-shots, the TRANSFORMERS COLLECTED COMICS constituted an ongoing series, albeit one published in a succession of different formats. After two editions of US material (Summer and Winter 1985), the rest of the nineteen volumes (a further eight were published as seasonal specials) reprinted British material. The last of the twenty-seven issue run appeared in the winter of 1994, outlasting the regular comic by several years.

August saw the long-running Spider-man weekly enter its terminal stage. Now (from 651) known as SPIDEY COMIC (a name and format Dez Skinn had pitched to Marvel’s management in 1980), it was now a scrappy shadow of its former self. Issue 666 was (appropriately) the finale, published in early December 1985.
The 1985 WINTER SPECIALS were the last to appear in the album format.
another toy-animation-merchandise tie-in for younger readers, launched in October
1985 and ran for an impressive 147 issues.
The short-lived dalliance with licensing selected DC Comics material (see also: Masters of the Universe in the summer) allowed Marvel UK to publish the SUPER POWERS ANNUAL, based on the Kenner spearheaded multimedia-and-merchandise assault on toy stores. Hedging their bets, the Bullpen also published their one-and-only MARVEL SUPER HEROES SECRET WARS ANNUAL (reprinting the first issue of the limited series and sixth US Marvel Team-Up Annual), based on the rival Mattel line.
1986 saw the release of another DOCTOR WHO COLLECTED COMICS one-shot, this time reprinting (in colour) recent Colin Baker adventures from the magazine.

1986 saw the release of another DOCTOR WHO COLLECTED COMICS one-shot, this time reprinting (in colour) recent Colin Baker adventures from the magazine.

1986 was the first year that Marvel UK added SPRING SPECIALS to their roster of seasonal one-shots.
an eco-themed weekly for younger readers based on the toys. Launched in October 1986 (after a preview in
The Get Along Gang), it ran for 36 issues.
A free edition was also available from toy stores. Issue one came with a free flexi-disc.
which ran for fifty-six weeks from October 1986, was based on the animated
series, produced by Marvel Productions, based on the Jim Henson
characters. It absorbed Acorn Green.
The Marvel-made TRANSFORMERS THE MOVIE is released in British cinemas, giving the British creative team free reign to weave their own stories, featuring the movie cast, between the US reprints.
November 1986 saw Marvel team-up with snack food maker Golden Wonder to package a series of DOCTOR WHO MINI-COMICS, reworking recent Colin Baker strips from DWM, given away with multipacks of their key brands. The offer was heavily promoted in print.
The Marvel-made TRANSFORMERS THE MOVIE is released in British cinemas, giving the British creative team free reign to weave their own stories, featuring the movie cast, between the US reprints.

POPPLES, which had a thirty-issue run from February 1987, was based on the cuddly toys with the ability to turn inside out into a fluffy ball.

another March 1987 launch from the British Bullpen. Based on the animated series (shown on the
BBC) and the toys, the series proved a considerable success and ultimately ran
for 129 issues through to 1991. The
first back-up strip was a back-to-the-start reprint of Power Pack, previously
seen in Return of the Jedi several years previously. The PP cliffhanger left unresolved when ROTJ closed was, eventually, resolved here.
Spider-man and Zoids was cancelled to clear the way for a new US-format ZOIDS MONTHLY. Despite being announced in the final issue of the weekly, the plan (which would have been M-UK's first US format book) was abandoned at the last minute, despite work having already been completed on the first issue. Grant Morrison would have continued his writing chores from the weekly. The reason for the cancellation has never been clear: it may have stemmed from reluctance from the US office or indifference from the UK news trade. Regardless, Marvel continued to issue occasional Zoids related one-shots but abandoned the Collected Comics series after four issues. The Annex believed that Spider-man was not a sufficient attraction to keep the weekly viable without his co-stars.
Spider-man and Zoids was cancelled to clear the way for a new US-format ZOIDS MONTHLY. Despite being announced in the final issue of the weekly, the plan (which would have been M-UK's first US format book) was abandoned at the last minute, despite work having already been completed on the first issue. Grant Morrison would have continued his writing chores from the weekly. The reason for the cancellation has never been clear: it may have stemmed from reluctance from the US office or indifference from the UK news trade. Regardless, Marvel continued to issue occasional Zoids related one-shots but abandoned the Collected Comics series after four issues. The Annex believed that Spider-man was not a sufficient attraction to keep the weekly viable without his co-stars.

October 1987 saw the launch of THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE AND FRIENDS, based on the ITV series (in turn based on a series of Children's books).
GADGET, launched in late 1987, was a bi-monthly title based on the animated
MADBALLS, published
from November 1987 to March 1988, was an eight-issue run of US reprints based
on the deformed toy balls.
EWOKS, published
from November 1987, reprinted the Star Comics strips based on the animated
spin-off (aired on BBC ONE) from Return of the Jedi.

1988 saw the Annex of ideas relocate again, moving from the (dangerous) shadow of the Whiteley's department store conversion to the far more salubrious confines of Temple's Arundal House, a stone's throw from the Thames.

ALF, from May 1988, reprinted the American strips based on the live-action and animated incarnations of the titular character. The monthly merged with The Marvel Bumper Comic.
THE FLINTSTONES AND FRIENDS (7 May 1988) renewed M-UK's association with the Hanna Barbera animation house after a break of several years.

POPEYE ran for eight issues between February and September 1989.

Marvel celebrated DOCTOR WHO's 25th anniversary with Tim Quinn and Dicky Howett's IT'S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE, a new collection of cartoons and humor strips. The pair had previous produced the similar Doctor Who Fun Book for WH Allen. Both returned to print, alongside the strips from the monthly, in 2015.

CARTOON TIME (1989) was another Hanna Barbera tie-in.
IT’S WICKED, launched
in June 1989, swiped Slimer from the Real Ghostbusters (the gift that kept on
giving as far as the Bullpen were concerned) and transplanted him to a
horror-themed humor weekly in the Monster Fun tradition. The radical departure from Marvel’s former
fare ran for only seventeen issues.

BROTHERS, which followed a sales-boosting appearance in the Doctor Who comic
strip, was a six-issue series produced and packaged in the UK and issued under
Marvel’s US Epic Comics imprint.

SLIMER, launched in October 1989, transplanted the green slime specter from The Real Ghostbusters into his own monthly. The contents hailed from the US Now Comics run.

DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE celebrated its 10th anniversary with a behind-the-scenes documentary from Reeltime Video. They did it again a decade later.
(1990) was based on the US animated import shown on BBC ONE.
STRIP, launched
in February 1990, was Marvel UK’s entry into the burgeoning category of “older
reader” comics. Its twenty-issue run was
notable for a new Death’s Head adventure (The Body in Question, also a graphic
novel). Night Raven was slated for a
residency beginning with the twenty-first issue (a new attraction heavily
promoted in other titles) but Strip was cancelled without warning.
The first volume
of THE KNIGHTS OF PENDRAGON ran for eighteen months from June 1990 through to
the end of the following year. The
eco-themed series, published in the US format, gathered critical acclaim but
never became a breakout hit.

SPIDER-MAN, launched in December 1990, was the first time that Marvel’s
flagship hero had appeared regularly in the UK (even the traditional annuals
had been discontinued) since the axe fell on Spider-man and Zoids. The US-sized four-weekly (forerunner to the
Collectors’ Editions) collected the four contemporary American Spider-man
titles. It ran for twenty-four issues
before being reinvented as The Exploits of Spider-man.
(1991) reprinted the US strips adapted from the TV cartoon adapted from the
film franchise initially pitched at a rather older audience.
NIGHT RAVEN: HOUSE OF CARDS revived the character in strip form for the first time since the demise of Hulk Comic. The revival had originally been slated for a run in STRIP MAGAZINE followed by a graphic novel compilation but, despite in-house publicity, the anthology was cancelled (without warning) the issue before the scheduled debut. The GN was repackaged, as a 'prestige format' one-shot, with a more commercial cover, as part of the US line in 1992.
NIGHT RAVEN: HOUSE OF CARDS revived the character in strip form for the first time since the demise of Hulk Comic. The revival had originally been slated for a run in STRIP MAGAZINE followed by a graphic novel compilation but, despite in-house publicity, the anthology was cancelled (without warning) the issue before the scheduled debut. The GN was repackaged, as a 'prestige format' one-shot, with a more commercial cover, as part of the US line in 1992.
FRIENDS (1991) marked the return of “Britain’s favorite bear” to the Marvel UK
HAVOC set a new
record for the swift cancellation of a Marvel weekly. The anthology of anti-heroes (Deathlok,
Conan, Robocop, Star Slammers and Ghost Rider) clocked-up only nine issues
after its July 1991 launch before vanishing without warning.

1991 saw Marvel UK's line of preschool comics split off into a separate entity: Redan Publishing, named after the British Bullpen's former base.

published in April 1992, was the British end of the Genesis 92 project and
featured the initial five post-DHII UKverse strips. These were initially edited (or the US
versions padded, depending on your point of view) to remove the (deemed a
hindrance) US characters. That policy
was swiftly reversed. The fortnightly boomed
during the Genesis Explosion and survived the 1993/4 massacre by cutting
frequency to monthly (from issue 43) and becoming ever more obsessed with a
certain psychotic cyborg. The (belated)
axe fell in the summer of 1994. The
strips also included Black Axe, Plasmer, Super Soldiers and Battletide II (the
original mini-series was collected in the one-and-only Overkill special).
OVERKILL included two sets of exclusive trading cards, with new artwork, as free promotional items. The first set of twelve cards, all illustrated by Gary Frank, were available with issues 12-14 (4 cards per-issue). A second set of nine cards (three per issue), illustrated by Bryan Hitch and given the 3D treatment, were given away with issues 43-45 (the first three monthly issues).

Initially offered as a incentive for OVERKILL subscribers, Marvel subsequently offered the Overkill t-shirt featuring Digitek as a mail-away offer.
Digitek, despite being the last of the 'Overkill five' books to see print, grabbed the cover of the second issue (April 1992) of COMIC COLLECTOR magazine (soon to become Comic World) which included an article previewing the new characters.
OVERKILL included two sets of exclusive trading cards, with new artwork, as free promotional items. The first set of twelve cards, all illustrated by Gary Frank, were available with issues 12-14 (4 cards per-issue). A second set of nine cards (three per issue), illustrated by Bryan Hitch and given the 3D treatment, were given away with issues 43-45 (the first three monthly issues).

Initially offered as a incentive for OVERKILL subscribers, Marvel subsequently offered the Overkill t-shirt featuring Digitek as a mail-away offer.

Digitek, despite being the last of the 'Overkill five' books to see print, grabbed the cover of the second issue (April 1992) of COMIC COLLECTOR magazine (soon to become Comic World) which included an article previewing the new characters.

WARHEADS was, by a week, the first of the Marvel UKverse series of books (known in press and previews as the Genesis 92 line) and laid much of the ground work for the British corner of Marvel Earth. The titular team were dimension-hoping scavenger mercenaries dispatched by their Mys-Tech paymasters to bring back alien booty. One of the Overkill Five, it ran for fourteen issues.
In an attempt to protect sales of OVERKILL, Marvel initially planned to block the US editions from being imported to the UK. That plan didn't find favour with readers or retailers so, to compromise, the Bullpen insisted that they only go on sale after the (truncated) strips had seen print in the British fortnightly. They also had to be sealed, with a sticker promoting Overkill (the 'Genesis Seal'), in bags. That policy was soon abandoned as the line expanded faster than the UK edition could ever hope to accommodate.
new age superhero supreme, caused Marvel no end of headaches when the punning
title which incurred the wrath of the surprisingly litigious Biker
collective. A swift rebadge after five
issues, and a donation to charity, avoided a siege at Arundel House. One of the Overkill Five.

WCW, based on
the US wrestling franchise, ran for ten issues from June 1992.
SPIDER-MAN, launched in October 1992, replaced the previous Complete Spidey
after a two-year run. The new series
also included uncut reprints of Motormouth, just months after the edited
versions had appeared in Overkill. An
exclusive set of cover-mounted trading cards were amongst the additional

The foil-enhanced DEATH'S HEAD II issue 14 was a flip-book: turn it over and it doubles as DEATH'S HEAD II GOLD issue 0, a comic that's oft reported (and listed) as a standalone one-shot.

four-part alien world rumble clearly inspired by a late night session watching
WWF on satellite TV. DHII, Killpower,
Wolverine and others were transported off-world to (Secret wars style) take
part in a melee for the gratification of assorted aliens.

CLASSIC COMICS, launched in December 1992, was a companion to the ongoing
magazine featuring (new colourised) reprints of vintage WHO strips from across
all eras. It ran for twenty-seven
regular issues and spun-off the EVENING'S EMPIRE one-shot.
1993 saw Marvel UK celebrate its 21st year in business.
DEATH’S HEAD (January 1993) was a canny way of getting more Death’s Head into
stores quickly following the whiz-bang success of the limited series and first
few months of the ongoing series. The
Bullpen shamelessly dusted down the various post-Transformers appearances of
the original incarnation and wrapped them up with new bookends featuring his
killer. The twelve-parter ran throughout

(April 1993) was a seven-issue series riffing on virtual reality. A further four issues were announced in the
confusion of the Genesis Massacre but never appeared.

DEATH’S HEAD II AND THE ORIGIN OF DIE CUT (August 1993) was a two-part limited series (starring you-know-who) published as part of the Pumping Iron summer promotion.
With the future of the Annex looking rosy, and the Genesis Explosion in full swing, Channel Four aired an episode of the arts series OPENING SHOT to the company and its characters. The uncomfortable sequences, filmed in a New York comic emporium, where the customers clearly knew nothing of the British line, didn't bode well. Sure enough, explosion turned to implosion... and then the Genesis Massacre... within months.
BATTLETIDE II (August 1993) was a four-issue sequel to the previous series. The first installment appeared in the last issue of Overkill. Whoops.
Simon Furman postulated WHAT IF DEATH'S HEAD I HAD LIVED in What If issue 54 (October 1993), illustrated by Geoff Senior.

G-FORCE were slated to get their own book but
it was cancelled in the Genesis Implosion.

Although it didn't appear on the cover of any Genesis title, with the exception of the BODYCOUNT teaser, which amounted to a What If? of books that never saw the light of day), the dying days of the Genesis line saw the introduction, mostly in House Ads of the new disc logo design. It was also used on titles intended for the home market but proved - ultimately - short-lived.

RED MIST 20:20 should have been the big Marvel UK event of late 1993: the launch of three new interconnected books. BLOODRUSH, DEATH DUTY and 'ROID RAGE (boasting a creative team including Jowett, Cowsill, Currie, Fonteriz, Braithwaite, Halls and Aldred) were about to roll off the US presses when Arundel House sent word to pull all three.

House Ads and paid spots in the comics press had already appeared and several issues of each were completed with more on the way.
The only part of the event to sneak out was the (unannounced) finale of SUPER SOLDIERS.
Marvel had planned to bag all the books with exclusive trading cards.
WILD ANGELS was another announced, but ultimately unpublished (at least in English), victim of the Genesis Massacre. The four completed issues of the Dark Angel/ Wild Thing combo eventually surfaced, courtesy of countryman Pino Rinaldi, as a done-in-one translated book for the Italian market courtesy of Panini.
Other never-to-be launches included HEAVY WEAPONS 911 (a Frontier Comics title about "a big robot with a big gun"), KNUCKLEDOWN (dinosaurs!), MOTORMOUTH REMIX (a romp through alternate Marvel Earths), MOTORMOUTH Vs. REMOVAL MAN (another comeback for Harley), OFFICER OUTBODY, PUNISHER Vs DEATH'S HEAD II (by Abnett, Lanning and Hitch), SISTERS OF GRACE (Frontier Comics), TIMESTRYKE, WARHIDE, DARK GUARD GOLD: OLD FRIENDS (leftovers from the cancellation of the monthly), DEATH'S HEAD II: THE WILD HUNT (a trade paperback collection of the 1992 limited series), BATTLETIDE III and DOCTOR WHO: AGE OF CHAOS (published, in 1994, as a one-shot).
LOOSE CANNONS was a full-painted spin-off from Warheads that was almost completed when the plug was pulled. Subsequent attempts to save it amounted to nothing. The Marvel PR machine managed to bag the cover of COMICS INTERNATIONAL, a feature in COMIC WORLD and placed paid-for ads in the fan press.
BIKER MICE FROM MARS (1994) was based on the animated series. There also appears to have been a German edition of the British edition.

THE CLANDESTINE, by longtime Marvel UK contributor Alan Davis, was initially announced as British launch for January 1994 but, despite pre-publicity (including a free cover-mounted trading card with COMIC WORLD magazine) succumbed to the Genesis Massacre. It was subsequently picked-up by Marvel New York and published, along with a preview edition, later in the year.
THE DANGEROUS BREAKFAST was a 1994 advertiser-funded one-shot commissioned to celebrate the third birthday of London radio station KISS FM. Published in limited numbers, it was not available for sale to the general public.

ADVENTURER was tenuously linked to the animated series of the same name but
actually featured vintage reprints from the earliest days of the US colour
monthly (and previously published in the UK in the first issues of both SSOC
and the Conan Pocket Book). The first issue
was on sale in July 1994. The third
(simplified to just ‘Conan’) turned out to be the finale, just six weeks

X-MEN, launched
in October 1994, was pegged to the mighty mutant’s animated adventures.

POSTER MAGAZINE was another spin-off from the regular magazine (Yearbooks also
appeared during this period). The eight-issue
run never looked like it would be a long-term sales winner although its fate
was sealed by the closure of Marvel’s magazine department.
launched in March 1995 (after a successful preview issue the previous year),
was a monthly magazine dedicated to the studio’s classic horror fare. It ran for seven issues before falling foul
of the closure of Marvel’s magazine department.

CASPER, from
October 1995, supplied a different sort of supernatural fare by reprinting “The Friendly Ghost”.
The second issue came with a free cover-mounted pin badge.
The near-death of the Marvel Magazines department (leaving only DWM, albeit now without the specials and yearbooks, as last-man-standing) ended plans to bring back PLAYBACK (TV) and BIZARRE (unusual and obscure film) as regular monthlies after a special apiece to test the waters.

SPIDER-MAN (November 1995) replaced the existing Spider-man title with a new
US-proportioned four-weekly boasting cardstock covers.

WOLVERINE UNLEASHED, the third of the Marvel Collectors’ Edition range from Marvel/ Panini, premiered in October 1996.
Massive thanks to Darren Robertson for providing the cover scans for TOP CAT'S TV SHOW COMIC, FLINTSTONES AND FRIENDS, ACTION FORCE, MADBALLS and SLEEZE BROTHERS. Much appreciated!