Wednesday 6 March 2013


Here's another burst of EAGLE covers from the summer of 1984.

I seem to be missing (doh!) the issue that would have been cover-dated 11 August.  I don't know if this is a gap in the collection I acquired or whether this issue was lost in the NUJ strike which hit IPC's output, across the board, that summer.

I certainly recall that several of the comics I bought regularly were hit but I can't recall which ones now.  The most famous casualty was - of course - SCREAM! which went on hiatus... and never returned.

** UPDATE - I've tracked down a copy of the missing issue (part of my existing box of copies I've accumulated over the years) and posted it below!  Hurrah **

The strike was bad timing for the KP Skips Free Comics promotion and I plan on doing a post about that offer in the near-future.


  1. There was an issue for the week of 11th August, issue 125.

  2. Hi g23

    Thanks for the tip-off. I went back through my stash of random back issues and I managed to find a copy of the illusive issue. Next time I have a scanning session, I'll add it to the pile and post it here.

    Thanks again


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