The Skyfighters which fly over Robin Maxwell (as she hides
from the Visitor convoy) are stock footage from the first mini-series
(previously seen just before the aliens attack the Resistance base in the
Donovan and Diana kiss, albeit when Donovan thinks he is
really with his 'wife' Julie. Yet, when he learns that 'Julie' is really Lydia
(when he knocks the imposter out), he doesn't seem very bothered.
The Visitor patrol uses trail bikes. The
riders use standard issue white motorcycle helmets.
Nathan Bates doesn't recognise Robin Maxwell. Either he doesn't see her properly or he
doesn't know the identity of the Starchild's mother, which seems unlikely.
Diana's efforts to hide the listening device in Bates'
office is pathetic, no wonder he finds it before she leaves the room.
How is Donovan, a known member of the Resistance, able to
wander into Science Frontiers to see Julie?
Why does her computer come with code breaking software?
The Visitor ground forces appear ill-prepared to spring
their ambush (They are taken by suprise once they are spotted).
Why is the shuttle craft only “on its way”? This is a very poorly planned scheme.
The Visitor holographic technology is used for the first
and only time.
How does Kyle know Willie is a Visitor? Did he become a
media celebrity (apparently, but improbably, one of only two Visitors still on Earth) after the end of the
first war?
Nathan Bates allows the aliens to reopen their embassy,
the Legation, in Los Angeles.
The conversion process has been greatly simplified
compared with the chamber seen in The Final Battle: In Visitor's Choice the
conversion equipment is located in an area obviously a redress of the bridge
set (crafty camera work means we don't see the large window).
The Visitors used PC keyboards identical to Earth ones:
The keys are laid out in the same way, just with alien characters.
When Kyle first rides up to Robin, there is evidence of previous
takes (skid marks). He also has a convenient second helmet.
When he drops her at his house, she has no way of getting
How do the Visitors identify the bike rider as Kyle Bates?
The Visitor holographic technology is used for the first
and only time.
How does Diana know of the Resistance plan to move
Elizabeth to New York? Lucky Guess?
There is a clearance sale taking place in the building
opposite the Club Creole garage.
The lone Visitor waiting at Donovan's house doesn't demonstrate
much superior strength (see: the mini-series) when he fights Ham.
Sean appears in a hurry to tell Diana what Donovan told
him. Isn't someone observing the room
constantly, especially when the Visitors are trying to extract information? Why
does Sean travel all the way to the Mothership bridge to report to Diana and
Lydia in person? As the information he
has is time-sensitive, wouldn't it have been better to radio ahead from the
Legation? Do the aliens already think their communications with Earth are compromised?
- The Visitors LA headquarters makes for a convenient target for Resistance infiltration until the mid-season retooling.
- The Visitors LA headquarters makes for a convenient target for Resistance infiltration until the mid-season retooling.
Why isn't Donovan being monitored when he knocks out Lydia
and escapes?
Elizabeth isn't really appropriately dressed for her cross
country adventure.
Howard K. Smith is credited yet neither he nor his Freedom
Network bulletins appear in the episode.
- This episode includes scenes intended to bridge the gap left by NBC's decision not to air the third episode. It's likely these were filmed during the production of a later episode and edited into this one. As previously noted, this creates some continuity issues when both episodes are aired in reruns or commercially released.
- This episode includes scenes intended to bridge the gap left by NBC's decision not to air the third episode. It's likely these were filmed during the production of a later episode and edited into this one. As previously noted, this creates some continuity issues when both episodes are aired in reruns or commercially released.
Me again lol. I think there were many more Visitors left on Earth after the aliens' original defeat, mostly fifth columnists. Remember Lorraine (who is sometimes mistaken for Barbara, although it's a different actress and character) and the members of Martin's Earth-based network seen in "The Final Battle"? Presumably there were enough of them to make it profitable for Science Frontiers to produce the red dust antidote, I can't imagine Nate did it out of charity somehow!
ReplyDeleteOne theory I had about the apparent decline of Visitor strength (although we should remember Tyler is a trained killer which might give him an edge even against a stronger opponent) is that perhaps their home planet has greater gravity and the longer they spend on Earth the more their muscle mass adjusts. That would explain why new arrival Charles was able to throw Donovan around the way he did.