Friday 22 June 2012

1979: VAMPIRE (TVM) starring Richard Lynch

The actor Richard Lynch died this week at the ripe old age of 76.  His scarred face (the result of an accident while freebasing) and menacing acting style will make him instantly familiar to a whole generation of avid viewers of US action/ adventure shows (as well as a host of movies).  He really was the go-to guy for menace.

To give you an idea how busy this guy was (and to help you organise your own DVD tribute to the great man), here's a partial list of his TV series work from the late seventies and into the eighties: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (Gun on Ice Planet Zero), BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY (Vegas in Space), CHARLIE'S ANGELS (Angels on the Street), GALACTICA 1980* (Galactica Discovers Earth), THE PHOENIX (series regular), BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE (Escape From Kampoon), T.J. HOOKER (Carnal Express), MANIMAL (Illusion), MASQUERADE (Flashpoint), BLUE THUNDER (Second Thunder), AUTOMAN (Renegade Run), MATT HOUSTON (Apostle of Death), COVER UP (Murder in Malibu), THE A-TEAM (Hot Styles), THE FALL GUY (The Winner, Pleasure Isle, Stranger Than Fiction), RIPTIDE (Curse of the Mary Aberdeen), SCARECROW AND MRS KING (You Only Die Twice), AIRWOLF (The Horn of Plenty), THE LAST PRECINCT (Never Cross a Vampire), ONCE A HERO (The Return of Lazarus), WEREWOLF (Nightmare at the Braine Hotel), HUNTER (Legion), STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (Gambit) and many more!

He was also the villain in the Slow-Robot favourite TRANCERS II (1991).

*Lynch's role as renegade Colonial Xavier was meant to be the show's recurring villain.  Lynch signed the contract but ABC rushed the (short-lived) weekly series into production so quickly that Lynch was oversees filming throughout.  When Xavier did eventually return, he was played (improbably) by Jeremy Brett.  The episode, Spaceball, was a stinker (in a show full of stinkers), so Lynch had a lucky escape.

A quick rummage around You Tube for a suitable tribute uncovered VAMPIRE, a 1979 piece of classic Lynch.  Enjoy!



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