Thursday 6 December 2012


Stumped for what to do with your bulking, shelf-jamming ESSENTIALS/ SHOWCASE volumes once you've read them?  Why not... colour them in!?!

This is a British FANTASTIC FOUR COMIC ALBUM published by World Distributors, notorious purveyors of shoddy annuals, sometime in the Seventies.

It's a magazine-sized, stiff-cover, square bound affair with black & white interiors reminiscent of the aforementioned Essentials books.  The idea being that once read, it could be crayoned to destruction (why are colouring books invariably published on paper so cheap that any contact with a pencil or pen causes instant destruction?).

The strip reprints are Lee/ Kirby classics The Thing Enslaved (US FANTASTIC FOUR 91, October 1969) and The Return of the Frightful Four (94, January 1970).

There's also a number of (uncredited) pin-up pages (Kirby?), which I've posted below.  The back cover is a repeat of the front cover design.

This shouldn't be confused with the various random-issue compilations that Marvel UK issued in the seventies, binding together unsold copies of the weeklies.

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