Tuesday 27 November 2012

1982: WHO KILLED THE BATTLESTAR? (Fantastic Films Magazine)

Here's a great 1982 article, by William D. Adams, analysing why BATTLESTAR GALACTICA was unceremoniously canned after a single season (1978-79) on-air.

It appeared in the oft-forgotten US magazine FANTASTIC FILMS, issue 29 (June 1982). 


  1. Thanks for posting this! Just re-watching Battlestar Galactica and reading some things on the production. This article was listed somewhere and linked, but the link was dead (different site), so your blog is great!

  2. Bsg is currently screening on the Horror Channel and I have to say it has truly stood the test of time.

    The special effects and production values were superb.

    Its amazing just how much Galactica material was covered on this blog.


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