Thursday 31 October 2013

1985: SPIDEY COMIC ISSUE 660 (Marvel UK)

More horrors from the MARVEL UK back catalogue: a copy of the much-deried (I can't imagine why) SPIDEY COMIC from November 1985, six weeks before the long-runner (dating back, under numerous names and formats, to 1973) was finally spiked.

This same piece of art had previously adorned the cover, complete with the same text, of issue 525, cover-dated 30 March 1983.  By this point, Marvel UK had no shame.  And - apparently - no budget.

1 comment:

  1. Spidey Comic what a nightmare! At a time when I was in my mid-teenage years MarvelUK produced this mess. You couldn't create a more un-cool comic if you tried. On the plus side it made me look for better produced work elsewhere.


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