Tuesday 26 April 2016


From 1996: a squarebound special edition of COMICS INTERVIEW magazine with coverage of THE X-FILES.

The uninspiring coverage of the show focuses on the Topps comic book, merchandising and an episode guide. So, for the most part, no different to every other genre magazine of the time trying to boost circulation figures with some opportunistic coverage of all-things-X. Plus CI had the traditional disadvantage of black & white interiors which limited the potential for pages upon pages of Gillian Anderson (and an enigmatic filling cabinet) studio publicity shots. 

The one-shot  was a flip book with the reverse cover (and greater proportion of the page count) dedicated to the very 1990s trend in impossibly proportioned "bad girl" comics. 

This isn't a particularly fine example of the run but the COMICS INTERVIEW SPECIALS are generally worth grabbing it you stumble across them as they are good collections of themed material (and sometimes new interviews) from the main mag. 

1 comment:

  1. At first glance, I thought I had this one but what I actually have is the regular issue with the same x-files cover.

    However I do have the specials on star wars and star trek , both of which are excellent.

    Pick of this week's offerings must be the return to comics of THE MICRONAUTS.

    And just a quick heads up on the latest special from SFX.

    It covers the 1990's and is due out next week.


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